I'm a huge fan of Jurassic Park, and despite the less than stellar sequels, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III, I had high hopes for the long-awaited Jurassic World. If all you're looking for in a review is a recommendation, you can stop here: Do something better with the money. You could go see the spectacular Mad Max. You could grab a burrito at Qdoba. You could light the money on fire. All of these would be better uses. Those are pretty harsh words, so let's start digging into why setting your hard-earned money ablaze is better than seeing Jurassic World. The biggest issue with the film is the writing. The dialog feels like it was written by somebody who won too many arguments with himself in the shower. Far too many lines come across as clichéd. At no point did I find myself thinking, "Yeah, that sounds something like a normal conversation." The problem wasn't the subject matter, it was the fact that most characters seemed like they were trying to come up with the perfectly deep line for their yearbook quote so everybody would know how smart they are. Similarly, we all know the trite plot : Dinosaur gets loose and does bad things while people weigh dollars vs human lives. In doing so, Jurassic World is an allegory for the Jurassic Park franchise--Somebody has a great idea, it gets away from them and instead of stopping it immediately they favor money over people. All in all, if you want a fun action flick, go see Mad Max instead. Jurassic World is a major disappointment and should be avoided by nearly everyone.