Editor's note: Supa Hot Fire is a guest reviewer who likes to provide his take on films. He is a "hater" at his core and will often find only the flaws in films. His reviews may contain mature content and/or language intended only for mature aduiences; reader discretion is advised. His reviews and opinions do not reflect the views and opinions of the owner of this blog.
Rating: Hilarious/5
I was originally tricked into watching this film because I thought it was about an awesome new superhero. To prevent this from happening again, the movie should be renamed "Dumb Dude Gets Eaten by a Bear". It would have been a way better title, and some of you uncultured people would have seen it by now. Who should watch "Grizzly Man", you ask?
People who hate hippies
People who love the outdoors and hate hippies
People who enjoy great narrators and hate hippies
People who like seeing somebody get their comeuppance
People who think Timothy Treadwell was a jackass (Warning: This will be you within 10 minutes of the film)
Bear enthusiasts
Since that list has covered just about everybody, I'm going to assume you stopped reading and watched "Grizzly Man". If you haven't, I know a guy who will lend you his copy (Mike Harrington). So, now that everybody has seen the film, wasn't it awesome? More appropriate titles would have been "Nature Kills Hippie" or maybe "Werner Herzog Makes Dead Guy's Friends Relive His Death". What gets a little lost in the fixation on Treadwell's ludicrous assertion that the bears love him, is the love story of a 46-year-old moron and 37-year-old physician assistant/moron, Amie Huguenard. It's the story of a man that believes wild bears know who he is and the woman who loved him so much she knowingly put herself in harm's path for that love. Isn't that what we're all searching for, the kind of love that lets you get eaten by a bear together? People may call me insensitive, but this is nature's ultimate triumph, removing two imbeciles from the gene pool before they could pollute it. Bravo to nature for reminding us not to screw with it in the most hilariously appropriate way possible. This all boils down to what makes this movie so enjoyable: Schadenfreude delivered by a man who's country created it.
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